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Technical Innovation
Developing IP through technical innovation and creative problem solving.

robust offender tag design
Offender Tag
Click here to find out how Brightworks helped G4S design & develop their offender tag.

product design quote

"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."

Thomas Edison

test rigs & technical prototypes

When a design contains complex mechanisms and electronics, it can be useful to create separate technical prototypes to test its functionality without the full cost of the other parts. Once isolated, these mechanisms can be easier to prototype and evaluate. The results can then be fed back into the full design. This may sometimes be the first stage of a project; to test the feasibility of a core idea before embarking on the design of the whole product. technical prototype

Our expert team of designers and engineers may tailor the configuration of a rig to test specific aspects, reducing potential risk and further development. Our experience of producing test rigs enables us to overcome problems that may arise as a result from subsequent testing of ideas.

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